2012年9月10日 星期一


1.What kind of information you can get from the website? 
2.What does BBC do?and how?
3.What kind of media does it use?
4.When did it established?what did they do at the beginning?
5.Who work for BBC?
6.Is there any interesting thing you would like to share with us ?

1.I have saw news,weather,sports,art&culture,music,radio, business,future,travel,entertainment,food,science,nature,gardening,religion,ethics,learning English or other languages,TV channels,health,
2.It show you lots of things, like if you want to see news,or if you want to study about languages,or you want to have some entertainment......,all these things you can go up to BBC to search. 
3.It use radio and news to let everyone know what is happen today.
4.British Broadcasting Corporation is the real name of BBC.
5.reporter work for BBC.
6.I think BBC s a very good websites to let us learn, have fun and know about what happen today or know about weather.

